【Information Forwarding】 Online Questionnaire Survey by the National Academy for Educational Research

Survey on the Willingness of Overseas Chinese and International Doctoral Students / Doctoral Degree Holders to Teach at Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan

To whom it may concern,

I am an Assistant Professor Chen-Wei Chang from the Department of Education at National Taiwan Normal University. I am currently conducting a research project, funded by the National Academy for Educational Research, titled "A Study on the Reform of Teachers' and researchers' Salary Systems in Higher Education from an International Perspective." This survey aims to understand the willingness and key considerations of overseas Chinese and international PhD students in Taiwan regarding employment in Taiwan after graduation.

This survey is anonymous, and its participants are overseas Chinese or international doctoral students / doctoral degree holders studying in Taiwan. The questionnaire data collected for this research will be retained until five years after the completion of the research ethics review, with destruction scheduled by August 31, 2031. Even after submitting the data, you may contact the research team at any time to request the withdrawal of your participation data from the survey.

The survey consists of seven sections, with a total of 58-61 questions, which should take approximately 12 to 15 minutes to complete. We greatly appreciate your time and effort in responding.

If you have any questions regarding this study or are interested in receiving the results, please feel free to contact us using the information below.

  1. Researcher: Dr. Chen-Wei Chang
  2. Research Assistant: Yu-Hsuan Yu / tel.: 0911-916707 / email address: 61200024E@ntnu.edu.tw

This research will be conducted in accordance with the approved plan. Should any adverse events or damages occur as a result of participation in this study, National Taiwan Normal University will assume liability for compensation. If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding research ethics, you are welcome to file a complaint with the Research Ethics Review Committee of National Taiwan Normal University through the following contact information:

  1. Research Ethics Committee, National Taiwan Normal University / Phone: +886-2-77491903 / Email: ntnurec@ntnu.edu.tw

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