NTHU Visiting Scholar ID Card
We are serving as a single window for application of this ID card in order to establish a welcoming campus for international scholars and experts visiting our univeristy as well as to simplify the administrative procedures for the departments.
"Visiting scholar" refers to scholars invited by departments, collges, or research center at NTHU. The length of stay shall exceed one month (inclusive).
It excludes all types of faculties under the supervision of the Office of Personnel, and all types of students under the supervision of the Office of Academic Affairs.
This card is for the applicant’s personal use only and acts as Library card, buildings and labs access card, E-ticket card, and ID card on NTHU campus, but must not be taken as evidence of identity. After surpassing the period of stay, the E-ticket function will continue to work but other functions will be disabled.
* The maximum validity period for each application of the Visiting Scholar ID Card is one year.
Application Procedures
1. Please check the qualification first.
2. Download and fill out the "NTHU Visiting Scholar ID Card Application Form (2024.08 update)".
3. The application form shall be approved by the department / college / research centers before submission.
4. Submit the application form to the "Division of Global Academic Collaboration" at the Office of Global Affairs and pay the fees.
5. Our team will inform the applicants after the application is approved and the card is issued.
Division of Global Academic Collaboration gac@my.nthu.edu.tw
How to be a Visiting Scholar
Q: What should I do if I want to become a “Visiting Scholar” at NTHU?
Please refer to the list of Academics or Research on NTHU website, find the unit you would like to visit, and contact the host departments/ colleges/ institutes/ research centers/ professors directly.
Q: What are the preliminaries that should be done to host a visiting scholar
For those who will host short-term (one month to one semester) visiting scholar, please check the following items:
1.If the visiting scholar is officially appointed by NTHU, please contact the Office of Personnel for details.
2.If the visiting scholar is NOT NTHU employee:
(1) Please confirm the date and duration of his/her visit first.
(2) If necessary, an invitation letter should be provided by the host academic unit/research centre for the application of visa to Taiwan.
(3) If necessary, the host can contact the Division of Housing or the General Affairs Office to arrange on-campus accommodation. (Early application is strongly recommended if you want to stay at Tsing Hua Guest House.)
(4) If necessary, the host should assist the scholar to apply for related insurances. (National Health Insurance is required if the duration of stay in Taiwan exceeds 180 days.)
(5) If necessary, the host can apply for a "Visiting Scholar ID card" on behalf of the visiting scholar (for access to on-campus buildings, library, facility rental services and public transport).
(6) Please refer to the National Immigration Agency for the application of an Alien Resident Certificate.
(7) The host (academic unit, research center, professor) should be the main contact at NTHU, responsible for all administrative affairs related to the visit.
(8) Visiting scholars from the Fulbright Scholar Program (Taiwan) should follow the instructions on "IIE Website → Taiwan → Corresponding Programs → Application Requirement". (For teaching and teaching/research grants, free housing is provided by most preferred host institutions during the length of stay; this should be clearly identified and articulated in the letter of invitation; however, grantees are responsible for securing their housing arrangements directly with their hosts.)