【Admission】【Erratum】2023 Fall NTHU International Degree Program (Graduate) Application Guideline
[Erratum] Application Guidelines for International Students Fall 2023 (Graduate Program)
1. Section V : Program-Specific Requirements (page 78-79) supplemental instruction:
For admission of “Taiwan Semiconductor Scholarship Program for Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia”, please use the link to apply: (http://nthuogaadmission.vm.nthu.edu.tw/student/index/index/applyParam/oxm9d) Admission period is 2023/2/22-2023/3/15 (13:00 Taiwan Time). The application fee is free of charge. The scholarship information: https://tscsp.ntu.edu.tw/
2. Section XI : Admission Decisions (page 82) : Note. Admitted list of College of Semiconductor Research will be announced by April 15th, 2023
Download: Application Guidelines for International Students (Graduate) Fall 2023