本校與澳洲麥覺理大學(MQ)雙聯博士合作計畫案(Joint proposal from NTHU & MQ academics)即日起至113年12月12日(星期四)止受理申請,請於截止日前將提案PDF檔(依附件二Project Proposal Form撰寫)寄至全球學術合作組gac@my.nthu.edu.tw。
- Project title and names of academics;
- Project/topic outline (max. 600 words);
- Statement (max. 300 words) describing how
- the relationship between the universities, including research synergies, research environments, and strategic links can benefit the project;
- the project will enhance existing links and strengthen research collaboration beyond the scope of the PhD project;
- Statement (max. 500 words) outlining the ways in which the partnership between Macquarie and NTHU facilitates a high-quality research training environment for the student;
- Confirmation that the application has the support of the authorised member of staff at Macquarie;
- 目前初步開放給兩校共同研究興趣與優先領域,範圍涵蓋:
- MQ- the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Science
- NTHU- the College of Engineering, College of Life Sciences and Medicine and College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- 每個計畫案須向雙方窗口提交 (gr.globalprograms@mq.edu.au & gac@my.nthu.edu.tw)。
- 若有意申請的師長推薦學生參與計畫,可在表單中一併提交相關學生資料(詳見附件二B5部分)。請注意,計畫案通過後,並不保證學生自動被接受,仍需進行學生資格的個別審查,並根據審查結果做出最終決定。
- 學生資格:需為即將入學或博士班一年級學生。
附件一2024 NTHU-MQ Dual PhD Call for Proposals
附件二2024 NTHU-MQ Dual PhD Project Proposal Form
江小姐 03-5162451
E-mail: ksying@mx.nthu.edu.tw